Wednesday, September 06, 2006

fair weather

they say that you can really tell what kind of person someone is by their friends. or by the company they keep.

even though i've lost four of my best friends over the years, gotten married, become a dad, gone nutso and very depressed i can still count on those remaining friends to forgive me, accept me and support me.

i am honored to know these folks, and count myself lucky. you know who you are.

i've even managed to make new friends, or re-aquaint myself with separated pals these last 2 years and they still want me around, in spite of my honest admissions of my not so social behaviors. again, i'm lucky.

even got myself the best girlfriend ever. she knows all.

on the other hand, there are some folks that i considered friends these last 12 years as i got to know them through marriage and i had long ago stopped considering 'my wife's friends'.

let's just say that since i moved out (and before completely losing it), many of these folks seemingly decided to take sides, and so i have not heard from most, even after i tried to contact them. no one has ever thought to hear or ask my side. only a couple of them have ever gotten around to dropping a line. you know who you are

that hurts a lot, but i suppose that shows some kind of twisted loyalty to their friend. i guess that also means that i was always just 'the husband' and not much else. ten years or so of shared experiences don't matter.

i did recently find out that a few of them read the blog, and report back. so i guess you know who you are.

i expect better from people.

i get the best from true friends, and i am grateful and blessed. you know who you are.


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