Wednesday, March 08, 2006

the hiking hellos

Being fond of a good morning hike (try at least 3 times a week, tough with school kid drop off) and living just under a mile from LA's 2nd biggest hillside park, I'm usually in a good mood when I do get to get one in.

So in my cheery mood, I find myself saying a "good morning" to any other early morning hikers that I may encounter (I try to get out of the house by 7 am) since we all seem to be in the same club, so to speak.

I find that most folks are happy to respond in kind (again, that odd "getting away" secret club thingee), and if we loop around the trail again, another "good morning" is in order...perhaps a bit more.

I do know however note that trying the same cheery greeting just walking to the bus or work in the city marks you as insane, but, I digress.

Well, suffice to say that those who choose not to respond to the morning greet fall in to one of a few categories:

1)the guy that exudes "can't you see by my trendy clothes and hair, general resemblance to a member of Oasis, coffee to go cup and general hung over look that I can't be bothered with you, Mr. Sunshine? and don't touch my muzzled dog" type

2)the woman who "has already been to the sweaty yoga and weighs as much as my hand" type

3)the angry knot of 60 something Korean women types (unless you've joined them in AM tai chi)

4)the older "don't tell anyone that I'm gay and cruising the park" types

5)the "I'm the guy/woman with #1" type

6)the "I really am a cop jogging, and not #4" type (there is a police academy nearby)

7)the "I don't speak your language" vibe type (often from fellow 'Latinos' oddly enough)

Over all, though, most folks in the park in the AM are none of the above, so the grumpy ones do stand out.

My cheery mood won't go away, however, despite the grumps. I'm just happy to be in the green, feeling sneaky.


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