Wednesday, February 01, 2006

i'm still yawning

I fell asleep on the train today.

3 stops past my transfer point, and into Terra Incognita for me (others call it Compton).

I had gone out last night for a long-delayed drinks date with a new friend, and we talked and talked and talked. It was wunnerful.

Then I headed home, and my old enemy, insomnia, showed her ugly face.

So it was close to 3 a.m. when I finally fell asleep.

Of course, I had to go pick up my daughter at 6:30 a.m. from the ex., drive her to my folks across town (school's out) and drive back to the train stop, and catch my commuter south.

Next thing I know, one of the local Sheriff's is moving my shoulder, saying "I think you missed your stop."

Nice to be remembered.

I stumbled out of the train, straight across the platform to another train heading back to my destination.

I was still late to work.

And now I can barely keep my eyes open.

So, lesson learned:

Drinks + talk = calling in sick.


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