Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Subcutaneous homesick blues

recent reports show that sunscreen lotions don't really work.

the lil cancers still get through. advice is hats and prpoer clothes to cover up. seems grandma was right all the time.

again and i say it often: the sun is the enemy.

just stay out of it.

or wear a three piece suit to the beach.

move to iceland.


Blogger Jane G. said...

ha! but in fact now they recommend a half hour of direct sunlight (without sunscreen) per day to get enough vitamin d. (that lack of vitamin d can contribute to other forms of cancer--such as breast cancer, for example.) The half hour of sunlight doesn't have to be all over one's body, a smallish area will suffice. the sun is not our enemy. TOO MUCH sun is a bad thing, but some sun is a good thing which our bodies need.

Thu Jul 17, 05:12:00 AM PDT  

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