Saturday, May 23, 2009


my father passed away yesterday (may 22) from an embollism.

i don't even know how to spell that.

my family being what it is, and my mother being alone with him when the attack started, i heard about it pretty much after it all happened. i was sipping tea and coffee with beth and lisa harris at delilah's out on the sidewalk dissing our exes and echo park being what it is, the cell phone told me of both messages at once as we were leaving to go back home.

first a panicky one from my sis that my folks were in the hospital (she had been out running errands for the first time in weeks) and that she was on the way there, then a confused one from my brother and just as i was playing that back, my sister called to say that dad hadn't made it.

i didn't really cry until i realized that i had to tell mavis. we went and found her at janette's and i was pretty blunt about breaking the news to her. i was glad her pal danillo was there. and she took it well (as well as a sweet smart but innocent to death 12 year can). that was hard. on both of us. beth was a tremendous help as well.

the rest of the day was spent at my mother's recieving guests and phone calls from abroad. and coping. every time my mother had to re-tell my dad's last few hours to anyone it took quite a bit from her. she's a sensitive lady. and naturally is taking this hard.

everyone was subdued, and ale was taking the lead making the funeral home/church arrangements. she's got a well of strength that can amaze me.

some sleep, and more with the family today.

tired. sad.


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