Sunday, November 12, 2006


i guess everything does come around to being 'retro'...

i will never be rid of hippies as long as i live.

and now with all this 'polyamorous' crap (clap?) floating around, those old bitter and or naive bay area types that believe that a hug cures all must just be dancing around in their mental flower dresses.

think janis joplin.

forget that most of these polyamorous types are merely sad 'modern primitives' that wouldn't know love if it poked their eyes and have somehow passed their own personal jerry stahl days of abuse, addiction and idiot punk rock to go weeping into their forties terrified of commitment and normal human needs, covering it instead with body mods and vapid three ways.

i don't care about your motorcycle or you days as a dot-com wunderkind/nerd.

the old hippies are mostly tightfisted small business owners that hide behind 'knowing' or 'feelings', or worse, they are dennis hopper.

the aging punks without a true mate or a child or some sort of fulfilling outlet will just keep going out, drinking, doing whatever aerosol is hip or handy, repeating the 'good old days' and in a few years will be some awful parodies of themselves, only now looking worse in a corset.

think courtney love.


i cherish my memories, my relationships, my family and even my broken bits. i even still adore my old music and surviving friends.

at 42, i would feel pretty silly in a mosh pit or tripping in some club.

i thank my lucky stars for mavis and beth.

and even though a hug is a good thing, you wont catch me hoping for an 'open relationship'.

guess that makes my retro even older.

ps: thanks for the inspiration, ysabel!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel dirty now...

Mon Nov 13, 01:49:00 PM PST  

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