Tuesday, April 18, 2006

mary, mary, quite contrary

I do translations between Spanish and English at the union office that I work out of.

my written Spanish not quite matching my speaking Spanish, I use a variety of translation sites on line, and I am occasionally flummoxed by the mis-steps, lost tenses and other varieties of linguistic experience.

my late friend Bruce would make the loveliest dada poetry just by sending a bit of language or dialog through 'English to Spanish', and then back again...

as I have been thinking about him of late, I decided to give it a try.

here's the result on the first try (English to Spanish, then Spanish to English):

"Mary had a little lamb,
it's fleece was white as snow.

and everywhere that Mary went,
the lamb was sure to go."

now poetry is tricky, but here goes:

"Mari­a had a small lamb,
is fleece was white such as snow.

And all over that Mari­a was,
the lamb was sure to go. "

sounds about right, que no?

I would suggest you try the same with this entry!


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